Krasnaya Afrika

Alexander Markov
Russia, Portugal | 2022 | 65 min
World premiere
Languages : Russian, Portuguese
Subtitles : French, English

Red Africa relates the history of the influence exerted by the USSR over many African states between 1960 and 1990, working from extraordinary archival footage filmed by Soviet operators. The subtle editing of restored images reveals the hidden agenda of the USSR which, under the cloak of generosity, was aspiring to expand its socialist “paradise”.

“Workers of the world, unite!” Red Africa relates the influence exerted by the USSR over many African states between 1960 and 1990, using archival footage filmed by Soviet operators. The subtle editing of collected and restored images reveals the hidden agenda of the USSR which, under the cloak of generosity, turned Africa into a new tropical territory conducive to the expansion of the socialist “paradise”. As the Soviets stage their support for the technical, social and cultural development of the nations freed from their colonial yoke (or those still struggling towards this objective, such as the Portuguese-speaking countries), red flags multiply on the continent, and boats depart for Moscow with their holds full of raw materials.  Celebrated from Ghana to Ethiopia by their benevolent Cold War “protector”, the peoples’ right to self-determination is nevertheless what will end up blowing the USSR apart… Alexander Markov delivers a very topical meditation on the ambiguous nature of imperialism.
Alice Riva
Red Africa, 2022
Our Africa, 2018
Get Used to This Place, 2011
Children of the Sun, 2011
Two Highways, 2009
Cities Within Cities, 2003
Lullaby, 2002


Alexander Markov
Sergey MoshkovPedro Góis
Svetlana Pechenykh
Victor Sologub
Stan PoplavskiiUkulele FilmsRui RibeiroKintopAnsgar SchaeferKintop
Sales contact
Stan PoplavskiiUkulele

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