Target group: Primary school, Secondary levels I and II
In 2022, VdR at School is updated, while diversifying and expanding its offer. Open all year round and free of charge, the VOD platform gives access to documentary films intended for schools. Every month, a new film with educational material is added to the platform.
A made-to-measure offering for schools
The Visions du Réel at School platform wishes to contribute to the initiation of students to cinema of the real, to the moving image and to the multiple realities of the contemporary world. The films are classified by subject, grade level and theme, accompanied by educational material and suggested activities to be carried out around the screening of the film. Thus, the platform proposes itself as a resource for teaching and image education in Switzerland.
Practical information
- Visit the page.
- As a teacher : Choose a film from the suggestions and fill out the access form. You will receive access by email in order to view the film for free for one month and use it in your course.
- As a student: Sign up directly for the New Generation program
To receive information about the platform: Subscribe to the dedicated newsletter.