Rishi Chandna
India | 2018 | 14 min
World premiere
Languages : English, Hindi
Subtitles : English, French
A tragi-comical drama, whose protagonist is no other than a young cock, unfolds in a Mumbai apartment just like thousands of others. Grabbed by an eccentric patriarch to serve as a distraction for the family cat, the chick survived, grew up and now imposes his troublesome presence on everyone, tyrannising the entire household. From this unexpected situation, Rishi Chandna creates a hilarious urban fable, which implicitly reveals the life of an Indian middle-class family. Like in a group therapy exercise, everyone shares their point of view, through bold editing that is able to create suspense in a few shots. Will the feisty fowl end up in the pot? Can one escape one’s condition and climb the social ladder, peck by peck? A study of human and animal mores in today’s India lies behind the small domestic theatre of the absurd.
Céline Guenot