Tuhoutumisesta ja säilyttämisestä
Maija Blåfield
Finland | 2018 | 30 min
World premiere
Languages : English, Finnish
Subtitles : English, French
Just what can there be in common between the reproduction of mushrooms—filmed like the height of eroticism—, the melting ice in the Arctic, a suitcase sinking in the ocean or even the story of the oldest eel in the world, a prisoner at the bottom of a well? Over these apparently independent but secretly connected tableaux, Maija Blåfield uses subtle, funny and sometimes disconcerting irony to revisit the clichés of doomsday films and the host of questions, as practical as they are existential, that accompanies them. She offers us an all-new approach to science-fiction, full of details to scrutinise. In this surprising film, there is nothing spectacular, but rather an elegant displacement of the contemporary anxieties that the director accurately explores. A reflection on an announced apocalypse from which nothing is missing, not even its cursed prophet who for all we know may be a madman or a saviour—in any case, he is a human and a potential guide in this suspended life, this in-between state which is shared by us all, on the eve of our possible disappearance.
Céline Guénot