De tijd die ons rest
Vincent Everaerts
Belgium | 2018 | 59 min
World premiere
Subtitles : English, French
On the day of his 18th birthday, Vincent leaves behind a dysfunctional family situation never to return. Seven years later, he is now a filmmaker, and decides to undertake a cathartic process to attempt to renew the strained links with his mother using his memories. In a cabin in the middle of the countryside, the director and his mother are filmed by a camera, sharing a moment, at once painful and intimate, with the person who is recording—and thus, later, with those who will watch. At the same time as the huis-clos conserved by this painstakingly composed device, the filmmaker discusses with his sister, trying with her to dissect the past and its traces, to resolve their differences with regard to this same ordeal. The Time We Have Left is an immersive documentary, it questions the mother-son relationship, which is unconditional and yet vulnerable, and the choice of forgiveness. Starting from a deeply personal approach, he resolutely achieves a reflection with a universal reach.
Emilie Bujès