Liis Nimik
Estonia | 2023 | 65 min
World premiere
Language : Estonian
Subtitles : French, English
Sundial takes us on a journey through the mists of the Estonian countryside. In each house whose door Liis Nimik opens, live people who have chosen to carve their existence at the fringes of modernity. Far from our tumultuous world, the rhythm of life is tranquil and peaceful. Here, humans seem to have found their place, living in harmony with nature.
In the mists of the Estonian countryside, a young man strolls across the moor, quietly building a brush fire. A horse stands still in the snow, seemingly waiting for winter to pass, while children on skis play in the woods. People and animals appear to live in harmony with their environment. Each house Liis Nimik enters is a warm, comforting home where inhabitants of all ages naturally go about their business. When making this film, the director spent seven years exploring the rural life of her country in order to meet the people who have chosen to carve out an existence on the fringes of modernity, far removed from the chaos of the world. She captures them in all their simplicity, filming in 16 mm to create an image that underscores their gentle way of life. She also endeavours to reinstate the hearth fire—the upkeep of which is a result of a seamless coexistence between people and elements—as the central feature of the home. Here, people’s ordinary lives suddenly become extraordinary, through the depth of their powerful bonds with nature.
Madeline Robert