Raphaël Cuomo & Maria Iorio
Switzerland, Italy | 2016 | 43 min
World premiere
Language : Italian
Subtitles : English, French

An account of a counter-memorial of Italian immigration to Switzerland in the 1960s is weaved through the memories of a woman whose accent suggests a potential affiliation with the theme of the film. The border zone of the Alps, a now deserted village in Italy or the’Grenzsanität’ of Brig—a modernist building where medical examinations took place until the middle of the 1990s—are among the stopovers staking out the path of migration towards the north. Beyond these landmarks, Appunti del passagio delicatelyimplements a composite and evocative structure, punctuated with photographs and references to certain historic protagonists of the ‘Commedia dell'arte’. If the latter made it possible to sabotage the relationships between subordinates and bosses, here they reflect the quest for a new historiography, this time written in an assumed subjectivity, by women and from the bottom up, whereas, in the background is posed the essential question of the border regimes of today and then.

Emilie Bujès


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Alary Laurencedistribution@argosarts.org+322 229 00 03