La ciudad perdida
Francisco Hervé
Chile, France | 2016 | 72 min
World premiere
Language : Spanish
Subtitles : English, French
In the Aysén region in Chilean Patagonia dwell a population of 90,000 isolated souls sharing the harsh landscapes of an area about the size of England. Here where beauty seems to be on first-name terms with fear and danger, in a place where the immensity of nature can never be dominated, the setting hesitates, along the expanses, between sparkling colours and the black and white of the snow and the water. These large water resources, although at the heart of economic and political challenges, inspire at the same time a humanity in search of the impossible “return to the source”, fleeing a civilisation seemingly being led to its loss. The day-to-day images intermingle with a story of mythological aspect; that of the timeless quest for the lost City of the Caesars, a city of gold built 500 years ago by the con- querors. In the shadow of the timeless metaphor of paradise lost, a fictional guide opens the way... “The journey has begun and there is no sense in going back. Evidently, you are lost, but you tell yourself you are on the right track.”
Emilie Bujès