Christian Frei
Switzerland | 2014 | 91 min
World premiere
Language : English
Subtitle : French

For four days Alley has been nestled on the sofa, crying, her thoughts running around in circles: “Why doesn’t he come back to me? What does she have that I don’t?” Michael and Rosey are tormented by similar thoughts. Lovesickness is the topic of this film, which, according to the filmmaker, “explores the immeasurably difficult path out of self-destructive, obsessive behaviour… towards a new self.”

“If I close my eyes, I remember how he smells... that drug... I just want a hit. Just one fix of that smell.” For four days Alley has been nestled down on the sofa, crying, her thoughts running around in circles: “Why does he not come back to me? What does she have that I don’t?” Michael and Rosey are tormented and paralysed by similar thoughts. Lovesickness is the topic of a new documentary of the Oscar-nominated director Christian Frey. According to Helen Fisher, an anthropologist researching the processes in the brain of lovelorn individuals, “Nobody gets out of love alive. Unless you don’t play the game at all, nobody gets out of love alive.”  Heartsickness can be as severe as any physical pain but despite the hurtful nature of romantic love - much like an addiction - people still continue to fall into it. Sleepless in New York  “explores the immeasurably difficult path out of self-destructive, obsessive behaviour... toward a new self. And it bows to the unwavering desire – despite it all – for love.” (CF)

Manuela Ruggeri


International Feature Film Competition

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