O Som ao Redor [Fiction]
Kleber Mendonça Filho
Brazil | 2012 | 131 min
Language : Portuguese
Subtitles : English, French
Shot in Recife, the filmmaker's hometown in northern Brazil, Kleber Mendonça Filho's fiction debut is not only a fundamental reflection on the landscape of contemporary Brazilian cinema, but also an extraordinary film of great subtlety which casts a profoundly critical gaze on class relations and the different ways in which violence can emerge.
During the distant 60s, the young critics of the Cahiers du Cinéma proved that it was not only possible for film critics to direct a film, but also to do it masterfully. Many others of the same profession have since taken the plunge, but not always with the same success. This is not the case of Kleber Mendonça Filho, a young and renowned Brazilian film critic, who ten years ago directed his first fiction feature film, achieving a simply dazzling and extraordinary choral work. Mendonça Filho captures the time of cinema naturally and without excess, subtly depicting aspects of the daily life of a group of bourgeois residents in Recife - his hometown - which is slowly becoming charged with a faint turbulence running below the surface of things. The keys to interpreting this work lie in the precise staging but, fundamentally, in the obsessive sound treatment; from these elements, the filmmaker builds a microcosm that reveals the muted and ancient violence of traditional Brazilian society faced with a modernity that exposes all of its inequalities.
Violeta Bava
Bacurau, 2019
Aquarius, 2016
A copa do mundo no recife (series), 2015
Enjaulado, 1997
Lixo nos canais, 1995
Paz a esta casa, 1994
Homem de Projeção, 1992
Casa de imagem, 1992