Film still of the film The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye, directed by Visions du Réel 2012

The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye

United States | 2011 | 72 min
Language : English

To love another person madly, to the point of giving up one’s genetic identity to be one with them: this is the plan of two lovers, Genesis P-Orridge, high priest of industrial music, and Jacqueline Breyer, alias Lady Jaye, extreme performer from New York. Midway between documentary and underground biopic, Marie Losier’s film is the story of this undertaking.

To love another person madly, to the point of giving up one’s genetic identity to be one with them: this is the plan of two lovers, Genesis P-Orridge, high priest of industrial music, and Jacqueline Breyer, alias Lady Jaye, extreme performer from New York. Midway between documentary and underground biopic, Marie Losier’s film is the story of this undertaking: an artistic and passion-driven project they refer to as their “pandrogyny”. Genesis comments on the pictures of his marriage in a white robe: “Instead of having children, we thought we could transform ourselves into one new person”. Three years later, to mark St. Valentine’s day, they decide to have breast implants, then further cosmetic operations, each seen as a ‘cutting’ exercise, and life as an ‘editing’ of the individual. The film follows the outworking of this dream of freedom, the body treated as a commodity, to the point where the other no longer exists as such.  Lady Jaye dies at the end of the film; we see and hear nothing: just an image disappearing…

Laurent Roth

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