Wild zwijn
Willem Baptist
Netherlands | 2013 | 25 min
Language : Dutch
Subtitles : English, French
An epic and eccentric film on the relationship between humans and the wild boar, which is well known for its invasive behaviour. A potentially dangerous animal, the boar embodies the anarchy of nature that the artificial rules and laws of mankind seek to counter. The technique borrows from codes of fiction, and scenes follow one another in surrealistic style with a touch of joyful black humour.
A radio report announces a road accident involving a car and a wild boar. Although the boar did not survive, this does not stop it from intimidating the inhabitants of a quiet Dutch village, where its presence is “exceptional”. The forces of law and order, whose name takes on an anthropological connotation here, manage this “disturbance” with a cool detachment. Wild boars occupy children’s nightmares and demand a reaction equivalent to their influence on the imagination. Take up arms! An epic and eccentric film on the relationship between humans and boars, well known for their invasive behaviour. A potentially dangerous animal, it embodies the anarchy of nature that the artificial rules and laws of mankind seek to counter. With a technique borrowing from fictional codes, the scenes that make up Wild Zwijn follow one another in surrealistic style with a hint of joyful black humour.
Paolo Moretti