Raymond Vouillamoz
Switzerland | 2012 | 35 min
World premiere
Language : French

Docu-series of 6 x 35 minutes dedicated to a therapeutic adventure in French Guyana: six patients suffering from psychological problems, accompanied by a psychiatrist and three nurses from teaching hospitals in Geneva lived for a month in the Amazonian jungle. The aim of this therapy being to restore hope and confidence to these people excluded from working life.

“Six French-speaking Swiss with psychological disorders take part in a trip to the heart of Amazonia, in French Guyana. Organized by a group of carers from the psychiatric hospital in Geneva, a psychiatrist and three nurses, this therapeutic adventure is intended to help them overcome their problems and regain self-confidence. For a month, they learn to live in community and survive in a wild natural environment, where they meet Indians and the descendants of slaves. (…) To give an idea of this documentary series, I would say it sets out to entertain, as an adventure/action film, and to rouse our curiosity, as a film with a scientific message. The general public is still far from having a realistic approach to mental illness. Seeing people with psychiatric disorders coming to grips with the majesty of a sometimes hostile, sometimes generous natural world should be a journey of discovery for the viewer, too.”

Raymond Vouillamoz

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